Artist, Curator & Cultural Manager
I was born in Peru.I live and work in Barcelona, Spain.1990-1997 Bachelor of Fine Arts. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru. (PUCP)2012-2014 Master degree. Cultural Management. University of Barcelona (UB)
I am a Plastic and Visual Artist, I have developed my work especially in painting, photography and engraving. Since 1995 I have been exhibiting my works in different countries such as Sweden, Mexico, Denmark, Holland, Greece, Romania, Portugal, Belgium, Colombia, Peru, Germany, Italy, Spain, France, Poland, UK, Switzerland, Canada, Lithuania, USA and India.
At the beginning of 2020, I was able to carry out one of my best artistic experiences when I received an invitation from Sri Sri University to participate in THE COLORS BEYOND, the 3rd. International Symposium of painting in Odisha, India.In 2019, my solo exhibition ABSTRACK THINKING stood out at the SPACE Gallery in Barcelona. I would also like to highlight the individual ones that I do with the series DESIRED SPACES at the Tornby gallery in Denmark (2011) and Olivart Art Gallery (2015). Likewise, the HABITAR (2018) exhibition at the Olivart Art Gallery in Barcelona.
Since 2009 when I started my professional activity in Spain, I presented my first solo exhibition with a Photographic Installation about memory entitled “Not everything is lost”. In 2011 I participated as a guest artist in the collective exhibition of Caribbean Artists in the Art Museum of the Magdalena University of Santa Marta, Colombia. From 2010 to 2014 I belonged to the ROSMOLEN group of Hispanic Art Foundation of the Netherlands. In 2010 I participated in the Binational Mexico / Spain exhibition entitled “200 years later …” which was exhibited in the city of Baja California (Mexico) and Los Angeles, CA (USA). In 2013 I did a residency for the solidarity art project “Paint A Future” in the Netherlands. I was selected for EXPO ELA BRUSELAS, one of the largest Latin American Art Fairs in Europe that travels through cities in Belgium.
Since 2017, I started collaborating with the Galeria33 in Ostrów, Poland with various exhibitions such as ALTERNATYWY 33. In 2015, my participation in the cities of New York and Dallas (USA) stood out. I have participated in numerous group exhibitions and artistic solidarity actions such as PERUExpoDay (Barcelona), A LETTER IN MIND (London) or art auctions in Warsaw. In 2016 I participated in FARBE FÜR DIE KUNST – FARBE FÜR IHR LEBEN-International Art Fair at Basel Art center, Basel. I have also done in 2019 an artistic residency in Germany. My work is part of private collections and in 2020 my work is part of the online auction house Casa Real.
Likewise, I am a Curator, Independent Cultural Manager and Artivist for Collaborative and Participatory Art in social and assertive projects. Interested in new ways to promoting Culture and Art through networks and new technologies, as well as being an intermediary agent interaction to promote subjects of gender and multiculturalism. Since 2010 I have been the creator and manager of the collaborative project ABOUT WOMEN: International Mail Art Project, which travels and is exhibited in various cities around the world. Likewise, I have curated numerous exhibitions with a gender focus such as FEMALE IMAGINARIES, YO MUJER, AHORA NOSOTRAS-ARTE CONTEMPORANEO, among others.
In 2012 I was co-founder of ArtGestión Lab +, creating international exhibition projects, highlighting “PanoramaMix: Diverse Views” Latin American and European Art in a new meeting point, held at the UNESCO-Friends of Barcelona in 2012 and in Madrid in 2014. In 2015 I was Co-curator of WeARTe at Czpaski Art Foundation of Poland. Between 2014-2015 I was part of the curatorial team and jury of the TINA Prize. Occasionally I writes for cultural press like WAZO Magazine.
More info on SUMRY.ME

2020 THE COLOURS BEYOND. International Symposium. Sri Sri University. India
2019 ABSTRACT THINKING. Solo Exhibition. Space Gallery. Barcelona
2019 ABOUT WOMEN. Barroc Church Pilotti. Volvera. Italy
2019 FEMALE IMAGINARIES-BE A WOMAN. CCBarceloneta. Barcelona
2019 ABOUT WOMEN. Musik Kunstschule Center. Freudenstadt. Germany
2018 HABITAR. Solo Exhibition. Olivart Art Gallery. Barcelona
2018 ABOUT WOMEN. We are Diversity. Gedok Karlsruhe. Germany
2018 MAGNIFICENT SEVEN. Galeria33. Ostrow. Poland
2018 8ª ARTIST’S SELFPORTRATE. EXPO-Ciutat Vella. Barcelona
2017 ALTERNATYWY 33. Galería 33. Ostrów. Poland
2017 COLLECTANIA MERCATART. Winwood Art Gallery. Barcelona
2017 A LETTER IN MIND. OXO Tower Gallery. London. UK
2017 PERU EXPO DAY. Canvas Barcelona. Spain
2017 ABOUT WOMEN. International Mail Art exhibition. Ronda Barcelona.
2016 #ARTEinVISIBLE. Dock. Bilbao. Spain
2016 WOMEN IN ART. International Art Fair. Basel Art center. Basilea. Switerland.
2016 FARBE FÜR DIE KUNST – FARBE FÜR IHR LEBEN International Art Fair. Basel Art center. Basilea. Switerland
2016 REACHING THE CLOUDS. A charity auction of the Association “Sercem Malowane” and the Institute of Aviation. Poland.
2016 TWITTER ART EXHIBIT. Trygve Lie Gallery. New york. USA.
2016 ART EN FEMENÍ. Auditori Barradas. L’Hospitalet. Barcelona. Spain.
2016 MACLA 2016. Instituto Cervantes de Burdeos. France.
2015 ESPACIOS DESEADOS·DESDE ELCOLOR EL EXILIO Y EL SILENCIO. Individual. Olivart Art Gallery. Barcelona. Spain.
2015 A LETTER IN MIND. OXO Gallery. OXO Tower Wharf. London.
2015 DARING TO DEFY. Jadite Gallery. New York. USA.
2015 TURNEU INTERNATIONAL GOYART. Galeria de Artă “Cupola”.Iaşi. Romania.
2015 XII ILHAS AFORTUNADAS. CNAP Galería. Club Nacional de Artes Plásticas. Lisboa. Portugal.
2015 WeARTe 2015 – IBERIAN ARTISTS & FRIENDS. Czapski Art Foundation. Poznan. Poland.
2015 International Collective DALLAS 2015. TVAA Gallery. Texas. USA.
2015 ABOUT WOMEN. International Mail Art Project. Museo Interactivo de Historia de Lugo (MIHL). Spain.
2015 ART EN FEMENÍ. Auditori Barradas. L’Hospitalet. Barcelona. Spain.
2015 POSTDATA: ESPERANZA RECUERDA. Mail Art Collection. Universidad de Murcia. Spain.
2014 ARTE IBEROAMERICANO CONTEMPORÁNEO Casa de la Cultura de Ajalvir. Madrid. Spain.
2014 1ST. ANNUAL GIFT-SIZED ART EXHIBITION. ArtWorld Fine Art Gallery. Toronto. Canada.
2014 ECO NADAL. Galería Sala Fènix & Galería DARTC. Barcelona. Spain.
2014 TREINTA. Hotel Neptuno. Playa Inglés. Isla Gran Canaria. Spain.
2014 FIART. Gallery Aukso Pjūvis. Kaunas. Lithuania
2014 ARTE HISPANICO. Art Museum Prahova Ploieşti. Romania
2014 WOMENS IN ART: COLOUR. Kauno Miesto Muziejaus. Kaunas. Lithuania
2014 ARTE IBEROAMERICANO CONTEMPORÁNEO. Galería D’Art Arimany. Tarragona y Galería Salduba. Zaragoza. Spain.
2014 ONTMOETINGEN / ENCUENTROS .ARTISTAS ESPAÑOLES EN HOLANDA. Art Galerie Hispanico. Doetinchem. Holland.
2014 ESTADO CRITICO. Colectiva de Arte y política. El Arsenal. Córdoba. Spain.
2014 #ABOUTWOMEN. Mi Relación Con El Mail Art 2.0. Publicación en el libro: Postdata: Esperanza Recuerda. Mail Art Collection. Universidad de Granada.
2014 SINESTESIA AZUL. Evento Multidisciplinar. Centro Inusual Project. Barcelona. Spain.
2014 ENCUENTROS 4. Artistas Españoles en Holanda. Museum-Galerie Rosmolen Universart. Zeddam. Países Bajos.
2014 Twitter Art Exhibit. CityArts Factory, Magic Gallery. Orlando.USA
2014 ART EN FEMENÍ. Auditori Barradas. L’Hospitalet. Barcelona. Spain.
2014 AHORA, NOSOTRAS. Museo Arqueológico de Cacabelos (M.AR.CA). León. Spain.
2014 AGUA Y LUZ. MUJERES CREATIVAS. Centro de Interpretación del Agua y la Luz. Blanca.Murcia. Spain.
2014 ART AVUI. POP UP ART GALLERY. Barcelona. Spain.
2013 PAINT A FUTURE. West Cord Art Hotel Amsterdam. Holland.
2013 EDITA NÓMADA Y ARTE POSTAL. PALABRA Y ARTE III. Universidad de Granada. Spain.
2013 PAINT A FUTURE. SVB Bank. Sociale Verzekeringsbank. Amstelveen. Holland.
2013 SEXTO CONTINENTE-Espacio Común. Exhibición Internacional. Palacio de la Merced. Córdoba. Spain.
2013 ARTE ACCION “YO EXPONGO EN…” Colectivo YO EXPONGO. Museo Reina Sofía. Madrid y Museo de Guadalajara. Spain.
2013 COMBINATIONS. Entrevista publicada en Artizen Magazine. USA
2013 ONTMOETINGEN. Arte español en los Países Bajos. Doetinchem. Holland.
2013 SEKIME ZVAIGZDES. Arte Internacional. Castillo-Museo de Kaunas. Lithuania.
2013 SINESTESIA EN AMARILLO. Evento Multidisciplinar .Centro De Arte Mutuo. Barcelona. Spain.
2013 ENCUENTROS III. Artistas Españoles en Holanda.Museum-Galerie Rosmolen Universart. Holland.
2013 ARTISTAS ESPAÑOLES EN OPORTO. Galería Geraldes da Silva. Oporto. Lisboa. Portugal.
2013 DOOBLE SENTIT-Arte Visual Y Literatura. Casa del LLibre y Sala Fènix. Barcelona. Spain.
2013 DE SPAANSE KUNST BEZOEKT DE BAARSJES. Centro cultural de Hispanohablantes de Amsterdam. Holland.
2013 ART EN FEMENÍ, DONES AMB SENTIT’S. Colectivas Internacionales. Barcelona. Spain.
2013 II SALÓN INTERNACIONAL DE MUJERES ARTISTAS. Ayuntamiento de Macarena. Granada. Spain.
2013 Artista exclusiva Galería EMMA. Madrid. Spain.
2013 Artista destacada por Croma Cultura. Spain.
2012 WOMEN’S ISSUES. Festival Miradas de Mujeres en las Artes Visuales. Galería Blanca Berlín y Sala de exhibiciones Juan Prado. Valdemoro. Madrid. Spain
2012 Artista seleccionada para EXPO ELA BRUSELAS. Belgium
2012 WOMEN IN RED – Galería Myro. Greece.
2012 Finalista Salón de Otoño Galería EMMA. Madrid. Spain.
2012 Artista destacada por Talenty Art. Spain.
2011 DESIRED SPACES. Individual. Galeria Tornby. Denmark
2009-11 “NO TOT ESTÁ PERDUT”. Solo exhibition. Instalación Fotográfica sobre la Memoria. Expuesta en Barcelona, Madrid y Huesca. Spain.
2012 Finalista del Salón de Otoño de galería EMMA. Madrid.2012 Finalista del Concurso Fotográfico de Sky Gallery. Barcelona.
2011 Seleccionada para EXPO ELA BRUSELAS, Feria de Arte Latinoamericano en Europa
2009 Seleccionada en el Concurso fotográfico Fotosensible de Reciclamadrid ’09Expuesta además en la I Muestra de Cine y Fotografía sobre Desarrollo Sostenible.
2009 Finalista Concurso Fotográfico: “Mujeres del planeta”. Madrid
2008 Finalista Concurso Fotográfico “El teu post -it”. Centre de Cultura Contemporánea de Barcelona. CCCB
2006 2do premio Fotografía Districte III. Santa Coloma de Gramenet. Barcelona
2006 Finalista Concurso de Innovación Artesanal. Lima. Perú
1999 Premio Curso de Fotografía Kodak. Lima. Perú
2016 LOS ESPACIOS DE LA MEMORIA. Sala Fènix. Barcelona.
2015 PANORAMA MIX. Exposición Internacional. Centro Cultural Juan Prado. Valdemoro. Madrid.
2015 NOSOTRAS·ARTE CONTEMPORANEO. Mujeres creadoras. Galería GymArt. Barcelona.
2015 NOSOTRAS·ARTE CONTEMPORANEO. Mujeres creadoras. Galería GymArt. Barcelona.
2015 HABITAR. Curaduría. Individual de la artista Jacqueline Rodriguez. Galería Dartc. Barcelona.
2014-15 CURADORA DE TINA PRIZE Miembro de la junta curatorial en plataforma T.I.N.A -Red internacional que promuevan iniciativas de arte contemporáneo.
2012 Curaduría y Gestión Cultural en ART GESTION LAB+
2012 AIXÒ ÉS UN CIRC: ARTE POSTAL INTERNACIONAL. Encargo de empresa Progress.Ltda.
2009-10 Proyecto Perú Arte Contemporáneo
2008 Curaduria y Comisariado: Desarrollar el proceso de convocatoria a los artistas, diseñar el concepto de exposición, organización y coordinación, diseño de montaje y promoción del evento.
Exhibitions photos
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